ライアン・ダニエル・ドブソンのインスタグラム(ryanddobson) - 9月19日 00時39分

In one week, a movie we've been working on for 8 years will come out.

Yep. That's a real thing that is happening.

We've been a bit quiet about it leading to the release; that's part of the marketing plan (don't worry, you're about to get SICK of me talking about @HoseaFilm). There's been a lot going on behind the scenes.

During an interview @suzwatson @azuspeak and I had the other day I was reminded of a line in the script that didn't make it into the movie itself. Two characters, who knew each other as children, have reconnected as adults. That renewed relationship is painful because it reveals the harsh reality of messy grownup life; how things have not worked out the way the characters had imagined they would. One person is stuck in the pain of lived experience, one person is hopeful for what still might be.

"You think the light can't be brighter than the darkest thing you know."

That's the line. You heard it here first: it's a bit on the nose - which is part of the reason it's not in the film anymore. Thankfully, filmmaking is a collaborative effort, so my worst instincts toward earnest, sappy writing can be moderated by other thoughtful people. But even if it's a sappy line, I still love it. I care about the sentiment because I think it represents a nearly universal experience, a lingering question in the back of our minds: if the most broken part of us were revealed...

So we stay closed up and refuse to expose those pained spots to light.

I'm not sure what the life of this film will be; but I have had the great good pleasure of seeing a few people interact with it so far. There are stories many of us have - memories of deep pain and survival and mistakes - that are held close to the chest because it feels like, if you release them, you might shatter. Like squeezing it tightly, keeping the secret, is the only thing holding the pieces of you together.



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