ルーシー・メックレンバーグのインスタグラム(lucymeck1) - 9月13日 16時23分

Postpartum body

I put this on my story the other day and I’ve had soooo many DM’s asking what pregnancy diet I’ve been on, what extreme exercise plan I’ve followed .. basically what’s the magic pill that helped me lose the 4 stone pregnancy weight.

Sorry to tell u but there’s no magic pill, no fad diet and no quick fix.

I’ve been a little quiet about my postpartum journey in general, pregnancy weight gain, postnatal exercise regime, my new body shape & postpartum weight loss..

Roman’s 6 months old and to be honest I had this image in my head of being back to regular exercise and healthy eating in 6 weeks after my all clear from the doctor.
Let’s just say it wasn’t quite like that. Biscuits & coffee for breakfast, lunch & dinner some days!
If I got 1 hour to myself I would nap not do burpees haha.
Ryan made sure I ate at least one balanced meal a day piled high with veggies!! And he always made me pints of water or cordial while I was breast feeding.

I tried to fight it and attempted exercise but I just had no energy & wasn’t ready to workout yet. So decided to 100% focus on looking after Roman, feeding him & getting those essential power naps. I wanted absolutely no pressure to ‘bounce back!’

3 months pp I started doing @resultswithbump stretches and short workouts around 2-3x a week & daily walks with the pram which during lockdown kept me sane. Fresh air, light exercise and new scenery.

My advice to new mamas is every journey is unique like every body & baby is unique.

Don’t put any pressure on yourself!!

6 months in I’m still not sticking to regular exercise and eating a perfect healthy balanced diet but so what!! I workout when I feel up to it and don’t feel guilty if I don’t!

My fav workouts to follow on @rwl right now are postnatal Pilates with Amy, stretches with Rachel,fight klub & I love the LIVE insta classes when little man is napping.

I have a whole new respect and appreciation for my body.

Love to all you beautiful mamas!
We are all superheroes 😘😘


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