カンディー・ジョンソンのインスタグラム(kandeejohnson) - 9月3日 09時09分

DO YOU EVER HAVE ONE OF THOSE DAYS? In case you needed a break from any “perfect looking lives and posts” I thought I’d give you a little throwback Wednesday (yeah, I know that’s not a thing😅😂) when I was trying to film this video and neither my brain nor my body were working with me!🤣
So if you’re having one of those days, weeks, months or maybe year…know you’re not alone!
After 27 times, I finally got out @ogx_beauty ‘s name right🙊...which I know, because I ha d a line with them and after doubting my brain, I finally got “Moroccan Argan Oil Shampoo and Conditioner” out right as well! Good thing I didn’t have to say all these in the video: #OGXbeauty #UncapTheLove #ad #MermaidHair #Hairstyles #Beauty #Bloopers

Sometimes you just have one of those daaaaaaays….


>> 飲む日焼け止め!「UVシールド」を購入する



