ティモシー・サイクスのインスタグラム(timothysykes) - 9月3日 06時09分

Here’s your daily reminder how beautiful our world is and how you can literally work from ANYWHERE like never before all thanks to new technology. 2020 has been a VERY difficult year for travel addicts like me (to say the least), but we must recognize how spoiled we became in the past & now be more grateful for EVERY adventure in the future! It’s SO important to stay positive and to look on the bright side of things because once you start going negative, it’s a VERY slippery slope that you do not want to go down. So swipe through these photos of some of the insane places I’ve been so fortunate enough to travel to and get inspired to start planning your 2021, 2022 adventures — which one would you most like to visit? And no, you don’t need to #workfromanywhere like I do, that’s just my strange hobby :) The good news is that most of us, especially us Americans, have A LOT of time to plan for once so we might as well start now, right? While our world has many problems to figure out, we also have the potential to create such wonders most people can’t even imagine so aside from just beautiful backdrops like these, get inspired by humanity’s potential given all our new technology that allows for far greater and faster education leading to greater understanding of so many cultures worldwide…call me an optimist, BUT I KNOW WE CAN OVERCOME ALL OBSTACLES BY WORKING TOGETHER AND MAKING THIS A WORLD WE CAN ALL BE PROUD OF! #traveladdict #wbw #laptoplifestyle #mobileoffice #jewswithviews


>> 飲む日焼け止め!「UVシールド」を購入する




