マヤ・ステッパーのインスタグラム(mayastepper) - 8月22日 01時22分

Life has a funny way of putting things back into perspective. I had been writing on my stories about how I’ve struggled emotionally, feeling very sad from deep within. I don’t usually speak about these things but I felt like it this time. We all go through something. If it may be a high or a low, I believe it is equally important to feel okay talking about it. I have felt guilt for being happy sometimes and also guilt for being sad. That said, we had a fire in our apartment and as scary as it was, we are all okay! I can’t express how thankful I feel to have my little family here, knowing that’s all that matters after all, we are safe and sound. Fire is a symbol for destruction and rebirth. I am working on letting go of whatever is pulling me down and focusing to get my grove back. Shoutout to everyone who’s been so sweet and helpful to us. 🖤


>> 飲む日焼け止め!「UVシールド」を購入する




