ラスロ・ジェレのインスタグラム(lacidj_95) - 7月31日 21時04分

We are all motivated by something, and this is different for all of us. Our drivers changes and our motivation levels will waiver.... and that's normal - even for us elite athletes (we are not robots)!
In my opinion, it's not your motivation that will separate you from the crowd, rather it's what action you take when that motivation goes. There have been numerous times where I would have loved nothing more than lying on the couch watching television instead of a gym or practice session. But, I can tell you that I have never skipped a session because 'I could not be bothered' - I have always turned up and given it my all.
When you set goals, such as weight loss or fitness at the gym, you will have a surge of energy at the start as you are so connected to your goals. After a period of time, your motivation will go down and your goals will go blurry, and this is when most people stop. It's important in these moments that you recognise that your motivation has gone down, commit to taking action and trust the process will get you where you want to be. From my experience it normally takes 2-3 days and your motivation will be back on track.
#trusttheprocess #strengththroughstruggle #trusttheprocess #fakeischeap


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