ラスロ・ジェレのインスタグラム(lacidj_95) - 6月19日 22時23分

[Smashing my Goals: Top 100]
Nothing beats the feeling when you finally smash your goals! It’s such a sweet feeling that’s a mixture of relief, pride and joy.
Breaking into the Top 100 was such a big goal for me – I consistently said to my family and friends that if I did not break into the top 100 I would never be happy. Everything I did in my life revolved around my goal of breaking into the top 100 – literally EVERYTHING! I remember being on the challenger circuit travelling around remote Italy and knowing I was so close! My stomach was in knots and I felt sick with anticipation.
I was at San Benedetto, Italy in July 2017 and I knew if I won the first round match I was 99% guaranteed to break into the top 100. I was on the back-courts, with only a few people watching and I was struggling. I was tired, my arm was stinging from so much tennis and I knew I had to grind through this match. I ended up winning this match 7-5 in the third set after 2.5 hours.
The moment I won, I screamed and dropped to the ground with my arms in the air in celebration. People were probably astonished with my over-reaction to the first round win but it was the moment where my biggest dream was realised. I will never forget this moment. I worked hard for this opportunity and I deserved that celebration.
I ended up losing in the final, but the next day the rankings were released and I was on a bus ‪at 4am‬ for a long day of travel (ah, the glamour of tennis!). But I can tell you I looked at the rankings on my phone at least 30 times that day – the numbers 91 were next to my name! Laslo Djere, world number 91! It felt great!!
Set big goals, work hard to achieve them, but always remember to celebrate your successes and always make the time to thank those that supported you!
#noshortcuts #trusttheprocess  #strengththroughstruggle #gratitude


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