ベラ・ゴールデンのインスタグラム(bellaagolden) - 7月9日 02時41分

put on your boots & have a good day 🖤
a thought~ some people don’t understand or recognize how hard it is to get yourself out of a hard time mentally when you’re in the middle of it. so if you did that and have learned to manage your anxiety or self hate I’m so proud of you. for the rest of us- it’s ok to grow and not have 100% good days. being a positive person isn’t about always having good days, it’s about knowing a good day is around the corner. If you’re struggling right now know that this moment is psssing us by, and while it’s extremely overwhelming and tiring it will some day be a memory instead of reality. right now I’m working on keeping myself grounded, breathing and making myself smile. It’s harder than it looks (I know I’m a dweeb.) but you have to show up for yourself. the moment you realize you are in control and that you know what the world does revolve around you (it’s your reality) you become free. 🦋


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