Acacia Brinleyのインスタグラム(acaciakersey) - 7月7日 12時30分

Rosie loves music therapy! 💛🥺 She had a heart catheter procedure today that went super well! She’s back in her room, woke up for a little bit to say hi & now she’s snoozing away again! They also took out her ng tube while she’s unable to eat bc of it leaking and she’ll be getting a new one put in later today (but that’s why she doesn’t have one in this video) We love our Posie girl! 🥰


>> 飲む日焼け止め!「UVシールド」を購入する




Scarlett Rose Leitholdのインスタグラム
Scarlett Rose Leitholdさんがフォロー

Acacia Brinleyを見た方におすすめの有名人