中島徹のインスタグラム(saruzaemon9) - 6月28日 16時05分

We came back to rock climbing, breathing nature, finding a new line, trying the best, and enjoying with friends.
After a long break, at the beginning of the session, I feel myself weaker than I used to be. But after the session, I reminded how to climb and found myself little bit stronger. The physical training during social disorder have made me though.
Through the break, I reconfirmed how rock climbing is important for me. This is not only just climbing the rock, but also going outside, feeling the nature, cultivating our creativity, and enjoying with our friends.

Yesterday, I made first ascent of the new line drown in the front of the main boulder in Mitarai gorge.

昨日の御手洗ではククゼンからアウトローに抜けるラインが登れた。ククゼンの初登者の @shijunclimb に敬意を評して同じ「胡蝶の夢」から「蘧蘧然(キョキョゼン)」としたい。グレードは多分四段くらいだと思う。

problem: Kyokyozen V13
filmed by @kachitakashi @monkeydoing


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