マエ=ベレニス・メイテのインスタグラム(mae_meite) - 5月7日 01時52分

I told you I have tons of ideas for Youtube.
Sunday May 17th Will be the very first episode of Women’s Voices.

That serie will be a contribution to women’s wellbeing and daily struggles; it will be a conversation with amazing women, about subjects & topics that are considered sensitive, ‘taboo’. As an athlete, I’m lucky to have a voice, so I want us ladies to unite and use our voices together to help start a conversation.

With the help of 4 wonderful women : @asma_niang , @アシュリー・ケイン , @jessika_ghm & @ユナ・デュフネ , we’re going to talk about the struggles we might face as women athletes dealing with PERIODS.
May 17th, 2020 on my YouTube Channel Simply Maé.

Stay tuned


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