シャーロット・ケンプ・ミュールのインスタグラム(charlottekempmuhl) - 5月4日 23時21分

Where do I begin. You’re a miscreant, a ne’re-do-well, a contrarian, a minstrel, a soldier, a mad scientist, an SOB and the Lord of Fuckery himself. My brother in arms and the bane of my existence. A flatulent philosopher, an excessively loud guitarist, a masterful woodworker and a wordsmith masquerading as a Jew (your mom is a Goyum- we’re onto you- you ain’t Bob Dylan!) I despise you during sound check but you’re one of the funniest, most competent and weirdly poetic humans I’ve ever met so guess I’m stuck with you ;)
Happy birthday and love you always wild Davey (at least till you pay me back that 40 bucks you owe me) Your lil sis, Kemp


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