シャーロット・ケンプ・ミュールのインスタグラム(charlottekempmuhl) - 4月20日 09時18分

Just found out the legendary Peter Beard died. He took this photo for the Pirelli calendar- where, inspired by his captain Ahab intrepidity, I risked my life to scamper up naked to the top of a Baobab tree in the desert outside Johannesburg, surrounded by elephants.
He had a clubbed foot from where an elephant had crushed it, and would always do this magic trick with a water bottle to make it sound like he was breaking his arm, he was quite titillated by that.
They had to lock me in my tent at night to prevent me from roaming around camp- where lions and skull crushing hippos abounded. He showed me how to eat insects by inserting a stick into a giant ant hill and I even dangled a poisonous prehistoric looking millipede over my mouth for one of his photos.
The man was a relic of the 80’s- where adventure trumped litigious safety, and eccentricity and sexuality still reigned supreme. I know he was bonkers and probably not the most politically correct- but I’m very sad to see him go, have had some wonderful times with this pirate in cessna aircraft, african plains and his home on the cliffs in Montauk.
He was fearless and funny and was one of the great adventurers a la Ernest Shackleton and Robert Falcon. May you find wondrous beasts and beautiful women and sprawling highlands in heaven, Peter. xx


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