エマニュエル・シュリーキーのインスタグラム(echriqui) - 3月25日 03時55分

Today’s magic by @azitaloves ❤️🙏🏽
It was Spring of 2020. The number of the year itself meant perfect vision. It was marked all along. I know for you it is hard to believe, but it was the age of forgetting. For months they stayed home. And deep in the night, the earths belly rose and fell. The people who had been listening heard her even louder & their breath synced up with hers.

Without the roar of factories, jagged machines making many nothings, buzzing planes & automobiles churning smoke, the trees, birds, insects, four legged & two legged kin flourished.

Millions of species could hear one other for the first time since the industrial revolution.
No matter who you were, rich and poor, you had to be where you were. You had to feel the weight of your you-ness. For some came a dark night of the soul, for others relief, for some it was the sour anxiety of survival and despair of feeling forgotten they faced all the time.
The people began to say what was on the tip of their tongue: there has to be a better way… they saw their human family eye to eye. And the only things that mattered were the things that mattered all along: love. lungs to breathe. home. nature. art.
The systems collapsed like a house of cards and no one had to pretend anymore. They rubbed their eyes and saw that a screens of pixels with graphs that rose and fell determined their entire species lives. The screen didn’t house, feed, provide health, community or love to the millions who made it even work. Gravity had won.

And then, their community became their immunity.

Whatever was between them and her wisdom, top of mind or buried in the belly came to surface. Those with too much were taken down into dreams of confronting death and rebirth, succumbing to eventually being reclaimed by her. They began to share these visions. And they dreamt a new dream.

So with bowed heads, they surrendered.
They remembered each of their precious offering, the calm of not needing all the answers, and from that place, they created new ways of being with her wisdom as their promise. It was then, that forgotten crowns of light and dignity were placed on every being. They couldn’t go back. Why would they?


>> 飲む日焼け止め!「UVシールド」を購入する




