エマニュエル・シュリーキーのインスタグラム(echriqui) - 3月23日 06時53分

Love this..👌🏽❤️ #Repost @seed with @get_repost
If you're feeling cabin-fever, you might derive some comfort from the knowledge that we may, in fact, be biologically programmed to get outside. The 'biophilia hypothesis,' a term coined by biologist Edward O. Wilson in 1984, suggests that humans are innately driven to connect with nature, and that these affinities—for long walks on the beach, fresh flowers on the table, a leap into a glacial lake—are deeply rooted in our biology. ⁠

Now, researchers at Flinders University and the University of Sheffield suggest that our biophilic drive is actually a microbial urge, an impulse they have termed the 'Lovebug Effect.'⁠

The authors of this study¹ suggest that our microbiomes crave diversity, which in turn fires up the gut-brain axis to compel us to seek out nature. They hypothesize that humans with diverse microbiomes—i.e. those exposed to a variety of flora and fauna—were at an evolutionary advantage, and therefore our microbiomes actually alter our brain chemistry to prefer a nature-rich environment. In other words, your love of the great outdoors is a "microbially-mediated nature affinity." ⁠

What does that mean in the time of COVID-19? Luckily, physical distancing does not have to mean isolation from nature. Public health officials in quarantined areas still recommend daily outdoor time, provided individuals maintain the recommended six-feet of distance. For city-dwellers, early morning walks in less-crowded neighborhoods can provide relief. Explore an empty stretch of beach or a quiet city park. If nothing else, sit by an open window and simply take a moment to breathe in the world outside. Nature will be there, waiting, when we’re ready to open our doors again.⁠


¹ Robinson, Jake M. & Breed, Martin. (2020). The Lovebug Effect: Is the human biophilic drive influenced by interactions between the host, the environment, and the microbiome?. Science of The Total Environment. 720. 137626. 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2020.137626.


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