サラ・ドリューのインスタグラム(thesarahdrew) - 3月24日 07時41分

So so grateful for all of the resources popping up online for us during this crazy time. We’ve gotten well acquainted with #zoom for school classes and #googleduo for friend hangouts. This homeschooling thing is no joke and I’m so grateful for the ways our kids’ teachers are coming together to help us through this time. I’m also SO grateful for my community at @modoyogala for offering live Instagram classes many times a day. Just finished one and it’s helping me breathe through the uncertainty before us. In the midst of all the scary - I am slowing down and engaging with my kids in a way I’ve never done before and it’s been an incredible blessing. Last night Micah was really missing his friends and said “I wish this virus would just go away”. Same buddy. Same. Social distancing is so hard but we are doing it so that we can help to save lives. It’s a small price to pay for the lives that will be spared by flattening the curve and not overwhelming our hospitals and medical professionals in the coming weeks. Hard to explain to kids who just want to see their friends. Hard to deal with emotionally for all of us adults especially those who’ve lost their jobs, and those who need to go to work every day to keep a roof over head and food in their bellies... who are feeling really hopeless right now. Sending so much love to all of you out there. Sending so much love to our medical professionals on the front lines risking their lives for the citizens of our world day in and day out and sending so much love to all the teachers out there who make this teaching thing look so easy.... because, whoa, it is not. ❤️❤️❤️


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