サラ・ドリューのインスタグラム(thesarahdrew) - 3月4日 03時56分

I believe the greatest cure to discouragement is active gratitude. I needed this reminder today. Gratitude isn’t a thing that just happens to you. I mean sometimes it does... sometimes you are in a mountain high moment where everything feels perfect and glorious and right and your emotions and thoughts are all firing on overdrive and you are just overcome. I’ve certainly had moments like that in life and they are incredible. They feel incredible. But they pass. The epic high gratitude moments that just come to us don’t last. Most of the time, experiencing gratitude Is a daily diligence. This morning I woke up discouraged. My family has been in a season of heaviness for several reasons and I couldn’t see past the hard stuff. My hubby is a big picture kind of guy and I love him for it. He can always see the forest for the trees. We sat together this morning after dropping the kids off at school and he began to speak aloud all of the things we have to be grateful for. And as Each thing was spoken, more things started to tumble out and I began to feel the tightness around my heart loosen. No matter how many times I experience the profound benefit in the practice of active gratitude, I still fall out of practice, so today, I’m choosing gratitude. Here are four snapshots of things I’m grateful for: Hannah writing her first thank you notes in her own handwriting. Micah’s mind exploding on a trip to the jet propulsion laboratory with Daddy a couple weeks ago. Watching his incredible mind “dare mighty things” on a daily basis. Date night with my love last week. And last Friday stepping outside and seeing the light and the clouds peeking through the trees in my driveway. The branches seem to me to be reaching toward the heavens to cry out for help while also waving their branches in praise and gratitude for the gift of sunlight and water and sky. Because isn’t that life? We all have heaviness that we carry AND things to be deeply grateful for. Life is a combination of crying out and shouting praise. Today the act of shouting praise is helping me to release my heaviness. What can you release today? What are you grateful for? Tell me!! #gratituesday #gratitude


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