アリッサ・シズニーのインスタグラム(lissastarr) - 3月16日 22時17分

So very grateful to these amazing people for a wonderful six weeks of tour. Saddened that the rest of our time together was cut short and heartbroken that we won’t be able to debut this beautiful new piece by Cindy Stuart. Special thanks to @strawberybankemuseum and @sprucepeakarts for hosting our residencies, to @alicia.designs for the gorgeous costumes, to @darlyconowick for making everything run so smoothly, and most of all, thanks to @dgwskate and @icedanceinternational for creating this tour and this beautiful opportunity to showcase skating’s artistry and emotions. We’ll be back together soon 💜


>> 飲む日焼け止め!「UVシールド」を購入する



