樋渡知樹のインスタグラム(tomostar0120) - 1月31日 13時58分

Thank you to everyone who watched me skate at the National Championships! I really appreciate everyone's support! It has been a rough season for me so I am happy and excited about how I did at this competition! My next step is the 4CC and I hope I can do great on my last competition of the year! Again, thank you to everyone who has been helping me throughout my skating career and I hope everyone enjoyed my skating as much as I enjoyed being on the ice at Nationals. Thank you! 沢山の応援ありがとうございます!今年はあまり良いとは言えない結果ばかりでしたが全米で自分のベストが尽くせて良かったです!次は四大陸選手権へと向かうことになりますが今シーズン最後になるであろう試合なので頑張りたいと思います!これからも応援よろしくお願いします!( ⁎ᵕᴗᵕ⁎ )❤︎


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