ハンナ・シモンのインスタグラム(therealhannahsimone) - 1月12日 02時19分

In 2008, I lost a family member and it forced me to realize that no matter how long our days feel the years are short. So I did all the drastic things that one does in an existential crisis. I cut bangs, I quit my “dream” job and I left everyone on a one way ticket to LA. Obama had just been elected days before and America seemed like the place that translated hope into dreams. Now here we are at the start of a new decade and I’m like I THINK I NEED A BIG CHANGE. I tried growing the bangs out. Uhhh that did NOT work sooo do I chop it all off? On New Girl I had a faux chop and I dug it. Thoughts? Or will I cry into my scissors? #chopchop #letschangeitup


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