シェネルのインスタグラム(chenelleworld) - 1月1日 07時18分

Happy 2020 !! What’s your new year GOAL?!! So..sidebar lol definitely feeling a lil guilty about fallin off my eating regime 😬😬😬 it’s cool tho. It’s All been super worth it to let go a lil and I’ve still been getting my workouts in at least. Consistency is key as oppose to completely stopping and then starting again . No thanks. I’ve experienced that and hated the results . Mentally and physically lol I’ve been eating food that reminded me of my childhood all week haha that I obviously can’t get when I’m in LA. ( that’s sort of a good thing lol) anyways just wanted to share a lil and hope y’all fitness heads out there are not being too hard on yourselves 🤪🤪 LETS GO 2020! Can’t wait to be on top of the mountain again. 🥰


>> 飲む日焼け止め!「UVシールド」を購入する



