クロエ・コリエーのインスタグラム(chloe_caulier) - 12月31日 23時37分

Jump into 2020 soon ! And I won't complain 😅 2019 was one of my hardest year for sure. Anyway there is some highlights I found while reflecting how was this past year and how I could improve the next one. 1️⃣st moment to remember was my first 8A in Font which I sent with the best company I could wish for ! 2️⃣nd is my January training trip in Tokyo 🇯🇵 with 2 sweet gentlemen. 3️⃣rd is the new adorable person I have by my side 🥰. 4️⃣th is my climbing and good vibes I felt at nationals 2 weeks ago. I also take the opportunity of this post to thank all the people who supported me during my hard times 🙏 Have a good Eve !


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