セロのインスタグラム(cyrilmagic) - 12月20日 10時14分

#throwback to the time I did a payment platform internal commercial for a company called IPPO. I asked my magic friends to help me to put this clip together in an incredibly tight timeline and so the only way was to meet up in Canada, where this was filmed and created. The challenge and mission for me was to showcase that by using the cashless IPPO app on your cell phone, that you could use all the various international and domestic payment platforms available. So we printed up special cards that could be manipulated... but there was one big problem. I suck at #cardistry So, I asked my friend @patrickkun to help teach me a few moves. Unfortunately I still sucked at Cardistry after attempting and I just looked to amateurish... so I cheated and I put Patrick in my waredrobe and he was my hand double! Funny story… My skin is naturally darker than Patrick’s so I asked him to put some self tanning cream on his hands to match mine. After the shoot, only his hands were brown while his arm and face was pale white as a baby’s butt! Lol. He had dark hands for a good week following the shoot, which to me was super hilarious. Sorry Pat, I know you struggled to work after that! All in all, the commercial turned out great. Now I just have to continue practicing Cardistry so I can really do those moves for real one day! #commercialmagic #cheating


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