タラ・リンのインスタグラム(taralynn) - 12月3日 11時00分

Part 5 // Stop Everything
This photograph is from December of 2018 when I woke up in London at the crack of dawn to shoot with my beloved @yumnaaa and on my way to her flat I stooped over for something and a stabbing burning debilitating pain shot through my low back and I almost fell over. It was bad. I hoped if I avoided repeating that exact position it would just go away. But the most ordinary movements produced worse and worse pain. I braced and tiptoed around the park with Yumna to get a couple shots in and then hobbled off to find an osteopath and an acupuncturist and a cute priest and a drug-prescribing doctor to whom I likened my degree of discomfort to unmedicated childbirth and who thought the melted bag of ice down the back of my pants was a pet goldfish for which reason I’m impressed she prescribed me anything at all. So obviously bending over on my way to Yumna’s didn’t break my back but I figured out pretty quickly what it was that damaged the bottom three discs in my spine, as evidenced on an MRI soon after. A couple weeks earlier I’d been deadlifting on my own and miscalculated my weights by 50 pounds and didn’t realize why it was so sticky until six reps in, when something sort of - happened - in my lower lumbar. I guess it can take time for the nucleus to seep out of the disc and hit a nerve that tells you to STOP EVERYTHING.


>> 飲む日焼け止め!「UVシールド」を購入する



