タラ・リンのインスタグラム(taralynn) - 11月13日 08時42分

Part 2 // The Work (cont. from page June 12)
So muscle gain was the goal, and that’s what I worked tirelessly at until shoot day. My trainer helped me firm up and ever so slightly bulk up. He pushed me hard, and most importantly helped me maneuver the threat of over doing it, adapting exercises to accommodate flare ups of previous injuries while continuing to work target zones. Of course I was impatient, and it was slower going than I wished. And if I'm honest, I'll say I was frequently frustrated that I found myself in a situation where I felt rushed; if my personal ideal is to be strong and visibly muscular, why was the immense audience of @Sports Illustrated Swimsuit a more powerful incentive than my own inner desire? I can’t say I feel proud of this aspect of my journey, and it feels important to say so. But I can say I’m still proud of the work itself. It was a month of discipline and incredible effort, and my conveniently selective memory tells me I loved every minute of it. And despite any inner frustration with my process, I loved myself immensely during this time too.


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