クリス・バーカードのインスタグラム(chrisburkard) - 11月29日 08時37分

Ever had a friend that was kind of obsessive? One track mind sorta person? For me that is @benweiland and for as long as I have known him he has been talking about THIS wave. Its what fueled his original posts on Arctic Surf blog. But despite 10 years of working together & our best efforts to score it we have always managed to just narrowly miss out. This trip was different.. thanks to willing surfers, a dedicated crew and a bad ass captain we made it happen. Cheers to you Ben for keeping this one alive.
I figured rather than saying how grateful I am for just about everything in my life.. I would hone in on one specific thing. For me that is friendship... from the people that love you at your worst & champion you at your best. Thanks Ben for being a good reminder of that for me. 📷 @benweiland


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