CIAのインスタグラム(cia) - 10月3日 04時20分

(3/3) “We really are one of the agencies that are very forward leaning in this. As slow as it was to get things moving, we have a lot of people here who want to do the right thing. But we are also a microcosm of the world. ANGLE’s mission has always been education, awareness, and visibility. We’re willing to have those open conversations. We will be a place that people will want to work because they will know that who they are and what they can contribute will be welcome here. There are so many new officers walking through the door already out. They’re being themselves, unapologetically. The more we have that, the better we’ll be as an organization. When people aren’t afraid, they can concentrate on mission. It’s a problem if we have a talented officer who’s not applying for a job they could have amazing impact at because they’re concerned about how they could be treated. I believe we have the responsibility to make the place better for the people that come behind us.”


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