ジェマ・アトキンソンのインスタグラム(glouiseatkinson) - 9月17日 23時34分

Gorks took this pic of me and Mia on a night feed at god knows what time in the morning the other week. I was exhausted! She had wind and it took a little while for her to settle. I got in bed after sorting Mia and I remember thinking “gosh I can’t wait until my London trip for a full nights sleep” We had the night in London last night and we loved it. Time alone was needed, BUT I genuinely cannot wait for tonight’s night feed. For Mia to wake up and need me. For either her feed, a fresh nappy or just to have a little whinge and then fall back asleep in my arms. We talked about her a lot last night and before falling asleep after a lovely meal of far too much pizza we said “next time we’ll bring Mia” 😂 She’s our new “normal” now. Part of the gang, our little bestie. Last night made me feel for Gorks and all the other parents who have to work away at times. I had just one night away and I missed her like crazy 😩 Hugs and kisses all round when I get home and I’m stopping by pets at home to get a bag of treats for Norm & Ollie too just because! Family really is everything ❤️


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