ジェマ・アトキンソンのインスタグラム(glouiseatkinson) - 9月3日 18時15分

Reminiscing about one of my favourite places @jasonvale Juicy Oasis in Portugal. My yearly go to retreat to mentally & physically switch off and detox. When I was pregnant I was carrying quite a lot of water. I messaged Jason and he told me Cucumber, cucumber, cucumber! I juiced and drank a whole cucumber with 1/2 an apple for taste every morning followed by my lemon & hot water and within a week my water retention had started to decrease. I’ve stuck to it even after pregnancy because I’ve grown to love the taste and the wake up boost it gives me in the mornings. I hopped on the scales today as Mia is 8weeks tomorrow and I’m down from 89kg to 74kg. I’ve only been able to do light cardio the last 2weeks due to my C section, the rest has been my diet. Clean, consistent with the occasional treat (ain’t no one stopping me having a pizza now and then!) My weight has slowly dropped (but obv I’m at a completely different stage now in regards to body fat & muscle mass hence why I don’t usually go off my weight) but more so I mentally feel good. I’m starting to feel like me again, only even more bad ass because I carried and birthed a child 🙋🏼‍♀️ I’m Still not where I want to be, until I begin weight training again I won’t be as cardio alone won’t sculpt my body how I like it or rebuild my muscle. I start Pilates once a week from 10wk PP & a session a week with Evil Steve from mid October. I could do more, but at the moment I don’t want to be away from Mia more than that so I’ll train at home too. As she gets older it’ll be easier to leave her I’m sure... Training again will be tough no doubt, but that’s what makes hitting your goals even better 😏💪🏼❤️


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