コリー・ロバートソンのインスタグラム(bosshogswife) - 9月7日 23時11分

My Dad turned 68 yesterday, and so I thought I’d share with you another one of my fav videos of my parents 😂 He would want you to know that he’s lost 50 lbs since this video was made. He walks 10,000 steps every day, no excuses! Many of those steps are marching around the house at night or in a hotel room which cracks us all up, but is also an incredible example of commitment! He’s inspired me my whole life by how he lives with a passion for life and learning, a love for serving God and His people in all kinds of ways most people would never even know, and for always being willing to do whatever it takes to make his family laugh. He’s the hardest worker you know, he loves my mom with everything in him, and he never says no to his fam, he’s there for us for every single thing in life, and we couldn’t do it without him! Happy Birthday @johnhoward_7 you are the best! I love you!


>> 飲む日焼け止め!「UVシールド」を購入する




