TIME Magazineのインスタグラム(time) - 7月10日 20時53分

Relatives and friends attend the funeral of Kateleen Myca Ulpina in Rodriguez, #Philippines, on July 9. The three-year-old was fatally shot by police officers during a drug raid that targeted her father, who authorities said was armed and may have used her as a human shield. The girl is one of the latest victims of President Rodrigo Duterte's "war on drugs," which #humanrights groups and and #activists estimate have left more than 6,000—and perhaps as many as 27,000—people dead since 2016. This week, @amnesty described Duterte’s drug war as a "large-scale murdering enterprise" and urged the @unitednations to investigate for crimes against humanity. Photographs by @ezra_acayan@gettyimages


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