TIME Magazineのインスタグラム(time) - 7月9日 21時45分

The first stone of the #SagradaFamilia was laid more than 130 years ago. Thanks to an influx of funding, some striking innovations and old-fashioned craftsmanship, the #Barcelona basilica is now on schedule to be finished in 2026, the 100th anniversary of the death of its architect, Antoni Gaudí. The project has triggered impassioned debates along the way, writes @lisaabend, but perhaps the greatest test will be determining its visionary creator’s intentions. “Gaudí left us the path,” says Jordi Faulí, the head architect now charged with the formidable task of completing a church that will have taken more than seven times as long to build as the great pyramid at Giza. “Sometimes, though, we’ve had to work hard to find it.” Go inside the race to complete one of the world's longest-running construction projects at the link in bio. Photograph by @lucalocatelliphoto for TIME

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