マヌー・ベネットのインスタグラム(manubennett) - 7月10日 04時59分

Although prior to the 10th Century, Maori navigator Kupe could sail the entire Pacific Ocean by means of celestial observation, using triangular sails superior to European square sails, in the 17th Century history books credited Galileo Galilei as the "father of observational astronomy" only for Galileo to be found to be "vehemently suspect of heresy" based on his 1632 published book Dialogue Concerning The Two Chief World Systems, which was placed on the Index of Forbidden Books & not removed until 1835. In an action not announced at the time, the publication of anything he had written or ever might write was also banned in Catholic countries. 200 years of advancement lost. With cars that can be run on water, light bulbs that never need replacing, the dismissed knowledge of Nicola Tesla to provide the earth with free energy, will the advancement of humanity always be at the mercy of such absurd power & ignorance. Where on this planet is the voice of unified reason, so that the best of humanity can combine, provide & prevail.


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