ジェサ・ヒントンのインスタグラム(jessahinton) - 6月6日 04時22分

Greens + water = Glowing skin ✨
If you want clear and supple skin (I love the word supple 😂) make sure you are drinking tons of water and loading up on green leafy veggies. 🥦Everyone thinks facials, serums, and expensive skincare but your body needs nourishments inside and out. If you’re breaking out think about your diet. Are you eating like shit? Lots of sugar? No water? It’s simple. Eat well, get tons of rest and drink lots of water. Glow from the inside out. As you age you really start to see the years catching up. Sun damage, natural collagen decreasing, gravity and facial fatigue. It can be helped by a healthy diet and water. Keep it simple.
@1stphorm has tons of water jugs to remind you how much water you should be drinking and never forget your greens because their Opti -Greens 50 is easy to use and can be taken daily in just water. Rememberrrrrr 🥦 + 💦 = glowing skin.
Keep it simple ✨


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