マイケル・フランティのインスタグラム(michaelfranti) - 5月29日 12時40分

I don’t know about y’all, but my ❤️ is still thumping with good vibes from this weekend’s @bottlerocknapa show. It couldn’t have been better timing when the sun came out just as we hit the stage. Thank you rain — we needed you to keep back the forest fires but it sure is sweet to play in the rainbow aftermath! ...So, that leaves me to #begthequestion.. ✨🌤 What was your favorite part of the weekend?? It's always an epic experience to see 20K smiling faces jumping!!! The vibes continue as we roll into the #StayHumanTour this Thursday in Seattle, WA for a benefit acoustic show for @レイン・ウィルソン and @themonafoundation, then Friday in Avila Beach, CA and Saturday in @harrahsreno in Reno, NV ✨#bottleroock #bottlerock #napa #bringoutthesun #soundofsunshine.
📸: Go check out this kick ass photo by fan @burlapsack67 - thanks for capturing this moment! #StayHuman


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