トレーシー・キスのインスタグラム(tracykissdotcom) - 5月24日 16時53分

My darlings so many of us are hurt and fearful because of the past - lies, cheating, injustice, cruelty - the things that destroy trust and faith in humanity. Yet we shouldn’t dwell on them or allow the darkness to continue into our bright future. Instead use any negativity as a lesson, learn from it and then know what to watch out for and how to handle something similar moving forward. If we’re forever looking back and worrying we can’t be here right now loving and appreciating life. Bad times make the good times so much more beautiful and precious, the balance of life that allows us to have perspective and measure over our happiness. Use all of that experience to love the frick out of life 🙏🏼 ------------------------
#lovemylife #happygirl #goodtimes #growing #tracykiss #gymlife #bodygoals #femaleempowerment #muscles #booty #tattoo #healthy #bodytransformation #inspiration #wcw #motivation #ootd #fashion #weightloss #fitness #weightlossjourney #girlpower #thick #ootn #lotd #veganism #girl #gym #bodybuilding #vegan


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