ナショナルジオグラフィックのインスタグラム(natgeo) - 5月12日 13時04分

Photo by Ami Vitale @amivitale | On Monday, @UnitedNations released the Global Assessment Report on Biodiversity and Ecosystems. It states clearly that our human activity is taking down one million plants and animals, causing the sixth extinction event on this planet. It’s happening at an incredibly fast and accelerating rate. A million beautiful, ancient creatures like Sudan might breathe their last breath in our lifetime (here, in his final moments, Sudan was comforted by dedicated @olpejeta keeper Zacharia Mutai). Witnessing the last of anything die is something I never want to do again. Witnessing it a million times over may be more than my heart can stand and may be more than our fragile ecosystem can bear. Nature needs us now.

Support and engage @conservationorg @nature_org @nature_africa and other orgs working to build a future in which we can live in harmony with nature. In order to protect prevent more heartbreaking deaths like this, we need to conserve 30% of the planet by 2030. @safariparkdvurkralove #rhinos #DontLetThemDisappear #stoppoaching #kenya


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