トーマス・サドスキーのインスタグラム(thomas_sadoski) - 4月26日 04時06分

Repost from @catielaffoon- Tommy // LA | @トーマス・サドスキー and I knew of each other before we actually met. @mynameischrischalk insisted we’d be friends. He was right. We emailed for a bit and decided to do a shoot. Tommy told me his hero was Joe Strummer. My brain lit up. The morning of the shoot I opened the door and we both looked at each other and broke into the biggest grins and hugged like to best friends who hadn’t seen one another in ages. I took Tommy to an old train switch station, borrowed a friends old school camaro and I set Tommy loose upon this environment in full 1970’s punk.
I want people to feel free at my shoots, but there was an added element of leather, Social D and dirt to this one. There was something very pure about what we were doing. Tommy wasn’t playing a punk for the purposes of our shoot. He was letting me see that 17 year old punk kid he’d been growing up in Texas, giving me permission to shoot that guy.

What I love about this image, is the moment 2 minutes after I took it. We were shooting along the train tracks, Tommy with my grandfathers WWII flag over his shoulder, when he looked at me and said, “Shit, cop.” I looked over and there was an officer, PISSED. Apparently we broke like 7 different laws – they actually stopped train traffic for us which. Turns out the switching station wasn’t in use, but the tracks very much were. Oops. I stood there convinced my ass was going to jail and I’d have to make that call to my Dad, who, honestly, would be torn between pride, because his daughter might be a badass? (daughter crosses fingers) and disapproval because, irresponsible and, “how much money is this going to cost me?” But as I stood there, waiting for the handcuffs, I took in the scene. Tommy stood in these rail yards, that could exists in any time, dressed like a total punk, with a beat up old American Flag over his shoulder, and a cop about to arrest him. The picture was perfect. I weighed my options – if I slowly backed up and fired one single shot to capture this, what were the odds I wouldn’t end up in jail? Zero. I should have done it. I regret it to this day. We didn’t end up in jail and have been friends ever since ❤️


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