TIME Magazineのインスタグラム(time) - 3月28日 21時18分

The most important result of special counsel Robert Mueller's report may be to politically inoculate @ドナルド・トランプ against the many probes still looming, writes @bybrianbennett. By any historical measure, the #Trump presidency remains extraordinarily scandal-scarred. But America has now seen the President weather a massive investigation led by a widely respected prosecutor. Somehow, Trump turned what might have been a catastrophe to any other President—a sweeping inquiry into potential collusion with a foreign power to undermine U.S. democracy—into a rebuttal against whatever comes next. “The politics of what’s happened over the last few days just places the President in a much better political position than he probably could have imagined,” says Russell Riley, professor of presidential studies at the University of Virginia. Read this week's full cover story on TIME.com. Illustration by @obrienillustration for TIME; animation by @brobeldesign


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