TIME Magazineのインスタグラム(time) - 3月28日 00時29分

National correspondent @charlottealter has spent the last year covering #Democrats all over America. It’s clear to her that the party is approaching a moment of generational change. Nobody in Congress represents that shift better, she writes, than @repocasiocortez of #NewYork’s 14th District. “The America we grew up in is nothing like the America our parents or our grandparents grew up in,” #AOC tells TIME. Ocasio-Cortez was born in 1989, a few weeks before the Berlin Wall fell. George H.W. Bush was in his first year as President, @speakerpelosi had just gotten to Congress, @バーニー・サンダース had already lost two Senate races and Joe Biden had just bungled his first presidential bid. She was in elementary school during the financial prosperity of the 1990s, eating Dunkaroos while grownups clucked on television about Bill Clinton balancing the budget. “An entire generation, which is now becoming one of the largest electorates in America, came of age and never saw American prosperity,” Ocasio-Cortez says. “I have never seen that, or experienced it, really, in my adult life.” Read more, and watch the full video, at the link in bio. Videos by @spencerbakalar, @annaclarespelman and @dianetsai_ for TIME


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