Vogue Beautyのインスタグラム(voguebeauty) - 3月14日 11時40分

If any food were to qualify as a superfood, it would be seaweed. With an extraordinary amount of calcium, vitamins A, C, K, and B₁₂, and iodine, potassium, and iron at ten times the levels in land vegetables, protein content to rival soy, and long-chain omega-3 fatty acids comparable to those in fish oil, seaweed is the ne plus ultra of nutritiousness. For all of its “saltiness,” seaweed is surprisingly low in sodium. It's also delicious! It is truffle delicious, MSG delicious, meaning it produces that fifth taste—also in mushrooms and soy sauce, Parmesan cheese and anchovies—known as umami. Tap the link in our bio to read more about why seaweed might be the perfect food. Photographed by @blobbybloherty, Vogue, March 2019


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