Gorilla trekking in Uganda with @saraagahfranti was a life altering experience. Driving 6 hours to Kabale, spending the night and then driving three hours down dirt roads st 4:30am. Hiking 3 hours down hill into the jungle down a very steep mountain, guided by trackers who know how to find the Gorilla families then spending an hour with a big silverback and two of his babies. This family of Gorillas has been habituated, meaning that although they are wild they’ve learned to not fear human visitors for many years of daily interaction by the trackers. There are very strict guidelines for the safety of the humans as well as the gorillas. Gorillas are susceptible to contracting human diseases so people have to keep. Distance of 21 feet from them. While in their midst it is very humbling to witness their power and grace as they nimbly move through jungle bush that ripped my skin apart and tore my clothing. Since these guided trek experiences began 8 years ago, poaching has all but completely stopped in this region and numbers have increased from 700 to nearly a thousand. The people here are the value of preserving these forest beings and their environment as a valuable economic opportunity for the all the people who benefit from the dollars brought in from visitors. Gorillas are nomadic and travel to different parts of the first each day in search of food. They live in very complex family structures and females only give birth every 4-5 years which means that over the course of their lifetime they usually have only 4 babies, which is one of the reasons why rebuilding their population takes a lot of time. It saddens me to think of them in tiny compounds in zoos. They are vegan and spend 5-6 hours a day to maintain their huge frames. 20% of all income off the top goes to a community fund to better life here. Treks are not conducted every day, so as to give the gorillas a break from human contact and only small groups of 8 people at a time are allowed into the jungle here. It was 3 hours hiking back up the mountain and three hours driving back to where we are staying with aching legs but well worth every moment! #stayhuman #gorillas #silverback

michaelfrantiさん(@michaelfranti)が投稿した動画 -

マイケル・フランティのインスタグラム(michaelfranti) - 3月12日 20時31分

Gorilla trekking in Uganda with @saraagahfranti was a life altering experience. Driving 6 hours to Kabale, spending the night and then driving three hours down dirt roads st 4:30am. Hiking 3 hours down hill into the jungle down a very steep mountain, guided by trackers who know how to find the Gorilla families then spending an hour with a big silverback and two of his babies. This family of Gorillas has been habituated, meaning that although they are wild they’ve learned to not fear human visitors for many years of daily interaction by the trackers. There are very strict guidelines for the safety of the humans as well as the gorillas. Gorillas are susceptible to contracting human diseases so people have to keep. Distance of 21 feet from them. While in their midst it is very humbling to witness their power and grace as they nimbly move through jungle bush that ripped my skin apart and tore my clothing. Since these guided trek experiences began 8 years ago, poaching has all but completely stopped in this region and numbers have increased from 700 to nearly a thousand. The people here are the value of preserving these forest beings and their environment as a valuable economic opportunity for the all the people who benefit from the dollars brought in from visitors. Gorillas are nomadic and travel to different parts of the first each day in search of food. They live in very complex family structures and females only give birth every 4-5 years which means that over the course of their lifetime they usually have only 4 babies, which is one of the reasons why rebuilding their population takes a lot of time. It saddens me to think of them in tiny compounds in zoos. They are vegan and spend 5-6 hours a day to maintain their huge frames. 20% of all income off the top goes to a community fund to better life here. Treks are not conducted every day, so as to give the gorillas a break from human contact and only small groups of 8 people at a time are allowed into the jungle here. It was 3 hours hiking back up the mountain and three hours driving back to where we are staying with aching legs but well worth every moment! #stayhuman #gorillas #silverback


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