I’ve called myself his little barnacle the last few weeks (as much as i hate being that person). When you hit rock bottom all you can do is lean on the ones who love you....and Sam has been my safe place. 2 weeks of extreme anxiety and panic attacks and a couple 911 calls, getting chauffeured around by him to all my doctors appointments because i still don’t feel comfortable driving, afraid to be alone with my kids for fear of having another attack...this guy has walked with me through it all with more tenderness and grace than i even knew he had. Advocating for me when i couldn’t advocate for myself. As much as i want to be a capable, fearless, independent ‘you can be anything you want to be’ type of woman....sometimes there comes a time when you need to let go of it all and accept that you need help. Thanks to those of you who have been in my corner and have prayed over me and delivered meals or flowers...you know who you are and I’m forever grateful and have honestly never felt so loved. Life can be super hard, and despite the stories these boxes might tell, we are all dealing with our own setbacks and struggles and i am so acutely aware of that now. A good reminder to show grace to everyone you meet, because we never know the struggles someone else might be facing. For those of you curious, i was on a new heart medication for my POTS that doctors think didn’t react well with me and kind of sent me in a tail spin, on top of a bunch of other meds i was on for my sjogrens and sponyloarthritis. I switched to a new heart medication a week ago and am feeling a lot more stable (but the fatigue is REAL). Still working through a lot of issues but feeling hopeful again and ready to keep fighting for my health. ❤️ ...that glimmer of light at the end of this very long tunnel. 📷 by Rylee ✨

kelli_murrayさん(@kelli_murray)が投稿した動画 -

ケリー・マレーのインスタグラム(kelli_murray) - 3月11日 05時27分

I’ve called myself his little barnacle the last few weeks (as much as i hate being that person). When you hit rock bottom all you can do is lean on the ones who love you....and Sam has been my safe place. 2 weeks of extreme anxiety and panic attacks and a couple 911 calls, getting chauffeured around by him to all my doctors appointments because i still don’t feel comfortable driving, afraid to be alone with my kids for fear of having another attack...this guy has walked with me through it all with more tenderness and grace than i even knew he had. Advocating for me when i couldn’t advocate for myself. As much as i want to be a capable, fearless, independent ‘you can be anything you want to be’ type of woman....sometimes there comes a time when you need to let go of it all and accept that you need help. Thanks to those of you who have been in my corner and have prayed over me and delivered meals or flowers...you know who you are and I’m forever grateful and have honestly never felt so loved. Life can be super hard, and despite the stories these boxes might tell, we are all dealing with our own setbacks and struggles and i am so acutely aware of that now. A good reminder to show grace to everyone you meet, because we never know the struggles someone else might be facing. For those of you curious, i was on a new heart medication for my POTS that doctors think didn’t react well with me and kind of sent me in a tail spin, on top of a bunch of other meds i was on for my sjogrens and sponyloarthritis. I switched to a new heart medication a week ago and am feeling a lot more stable (but the fatigue is REAL). Still working through a lot of issues but feeling hopeful again and ready to keep fighting for my health. ❤️ ...that glimmer of light at the end of this very long tunnel.
📷 by Rylee ✨


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