リズ・チェルカソワのインスタグラム(lateafternoon) - 3月10日 09時23分

Took a month long sabbatical from social media. It was blissful but I’m happy to be back. In case you’re wondering what I got up to during my time off, here is a quick breakdown.
1. Moved to a new apartment with a gorgeous view.
2. Attended a 3 day silent meditation retreat in Malibu. Something totally new to me, but I ended up enjoying it immensely. I’m currently looking for similar retreats around the country/world. Would love suggestions.
3. Started attending couples counseling with Sam. Because after 13 years every marriage needs some TLC and there’s no shame in that. ❤️
~ What have you been up to the last month?


>> 飲む日焼け止め!「UVシールド」を購入する




