レイチェル・ブレイセンのインスタグラム(yoga_girl) - 2月19日 05時13分

Everywhere we go she points out things she finds beautiful. “Look - the sun!” “Look - a tree!” “Look - a rock!”. Some sand! A bird! A car! To her, everything is enveloped in a layer of magic. Or maybe she is the magic and it just extends out to everything she lays her eyes on. With her, life IS magical. Everything is more colorful, more vibrant. I’m more emotional around her too, tapped in to that place in my heart where everything makes sense most of the time.⁣

Sometimes I feel like the entire point of life is getting back to that place of childlike wonder. Where it’s safe to feel our feelings and we know that we belong and we don’t worry about much and where everything is beautiful. ⁣

I wish I could see the world through her eyes more of the time. But then again... Maybe I am. Maybe that’s what we do as mothers.⁣

We birth ⁣
and we are born again.


>> 飲む日焼け止め!「UVシールド」を購入する




