Australiaのインスタグラム(australia) - 1月10日 19時00分

“And if you lift it up to here, your biceps will look extra-huge.” This #kangaroo in @southaustralia’s #Myponga generously gave @matthton some impressive flexing tips… go on, give it a try and see what you think! Located an hour’s drive from @cityofadelaide, this beach town in @officialfleurieupeninsula offers spectacular coastal views, and you can often see mobs of kangaroos hopping along #MypongaBeach at dusk. When you’re visiting, why not drop by the @smilingsamoyed brewery, your flexing will most likely get even better after a beer or two ?

#seeaustralia #southaustralia #fleurieupeninsula #travel #thegreatoutdoors #wildlifephotography


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