カリスマ・カーペンターのインスタグラム(charismacarpenter) - 11月1日 13時38分

When Halloween was legit just about the costume and how much candy you could score...sans razor blades and arsenic. - Wow, that went dark quick but seriously, how many of you had Moms shout at you, “Let me check the candy before you eat it!!!” ? ??‍♀️
Ps. You know that was total BS so Los Padres could get first dibs on the KitKat bars. ?
Anyway, I loved reliving those days through my son’s eyes and being that annoying Mom that had to “check” the candy prior to consumption. ?
Hope everyone has a Happy, safe Halloween 2018.
Especially my son, who’s no longer that five year old boy with the bowl cut. Instead, he’s Mr. Hunter S. Thompson himself. ☠️??
#Theo #Haider #Sam #Donovan
Thx @ericabgreene for the reminder & pic today. Miss you and love you heaps. ?


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