ダーシャ・ゲルムのインスタグラム(grmdas) - 10月29日 07時44分

Today was not the program I was expecting. I was ready to show more than I did today. But that's ok. It was my first competition and that's my journey, it always had been. Nothing ever came easy for me and that's why I appreciate a good outcomings even more.

I have to keep working hard, stay motivated and believe that good things will come on my way.

Danes nisem odpeljala programa, kot sem si ga želela. Bolj sem pripravljena, kot sem to uspela pokazati. Ampak vse bo v redu, saj je to šele prva tekma v sezoni. To je moja pot in vedno je bila, nikoli mi nič ni bilo podarjeno in zato še toliko bolj cenim uspešne trenutke.

Sedaj pa nazaj na trening, se boriti, ostati pozitivna in motivirana in verjeti, da prihajajo lepši trenutki.
Photo credits: Mikhail Sharov, World Championships Milano 2018

#figureskating #myjourney #mylife #myprogress #keepfighting #goodthings #icandoit


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