ジェシー・グラフのインスタグラム(jessiegraffpwr) - 10月22日 04時53分

@Regran_ed from @samoanstuntman - This is @olivia_stunts, one of the all around toughest and most positive women I know of. She almost lost her life filming Resident Evil: The final chapter in 2015 because of a negligent mistake that someone else on the production made. Another crew member did lose his life after being crushed against a wall by a Hummer on the same movie. You’d think she and the deceased’s family would be financially compensated or supported by the $1.25 BILLION Dollar franchise for all that they went through, but that’s not the case. I’m reposting this to spread awareness and in support of all stunt performers who put their health and lives on the line for your entertainment, but are often overlooked and sometimes forgotten....especially by the Academy Awards who doesn’t recognize our profession as “Award worthy”.
The next time you’re enjoying the popcorn and the movie, remember that the stuff on screen that makes your adrenaline rush is something that a stunt performer actually risked their body for to contribute to the movie. #oscarsforstunts #indemnificationforolivia
Here’s the link to a go fund me for Olivia:


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