Finding my light again. Last week I offhandedly mentioned how I felt that the fog of depression was finally lifting after two years of my walking in the dark. I was instantly overwhelmed with not only messages of encouragement, but also questions asking me what I was doing to help my depression. I don’t have any magic cure but I can share the few things I’m doing now that I believe have helped me. Please be advised that I’m only starting my process of recovery and at a moment’s notice I can be pulled back under. I’m also not taking any antidepressants or medications of any kind because my personal efforts are concentrated on managing depression without medication for as long as possible. 1. Meditation - It took me a long time to give it a try, but I credit this daily practice as the most important step in my feeling better. I use the Calm app, but there are numerous alternatives that can work for you. As little as 10 minutes of mindful meditation can set me up for a successful, happy day. 2. Staying off social media - I limit my time on Instagram (the only social media platform I use) to max 30 minutes a day. And on days that I feel especially low I don’t go on at all which is why sometimes there are days when I don’t post a single thing. 3. The Happiness Advantage by Shawn Achor - I’ve been reading and re-reading this book as well as listening to his lectures, his Calm Masterclass, and Ted Talk. The psychology of happiness is a growing field offering incredible insight into how our brains truly work. In a nutshell it’s about how success comes after happiness and not the other way around. 4. Spending time with the people who are still there for me - One of the most painful side effects of depression is that we close ourselves off to other people at a time when we need our social support group the most. I’d be lying if I said that in the 2 years of my depression I didn’t loose some of my friends. I did and I don’t blame them. I’m very lucky however that many of my closest friends understood what I was going through and have supported me even when I couldn’t reciprocate. Please leave me a comment or a DM letting me know what has worked for you.

lateafternoonさん(@lateafternoon)が投稿した動画 -

リズ・チェルカソワのインスタグラム(lateafternoon) - 10月20日 03時42分

Finding my light again. Last week I offhandedly mentioned how I felt that the fog of depression was finally lifting after two years of my walking in the dark. I was instantly overwhelmed with not only messages of encouragement, but also questions asking me what I was doing to help my depression. I don’t have any magic cure but I can share the few things I’m doing now that I believe have helped
me. Please be advised that I’m only starting my process of recovery and at a moment’s notice I can be pulled back under. I’m also not taking any antidepressants or medications of any kind because my personal efforts are concentrated on managing depression without medication for as long as possible.
1. Meditation - It took me a long time to give it a try, but I credit this daily practice as the most important step in my feeling better. I use the Calm app, but there are numerous alternatives that can work for you. As little as 10 minutes of mindful meditation can set me up for a successful, happy day.
2. Staying off social media - I limit my time on Instagram (the only social media platform I use) to max 30 minutes a day. And on days that I feel especially low I don’t go on at all which is why sometimes there are days when I don’t post a single thing.
3. The Happiness Advantage by Shawn Achor - I’ve been reading and re-reading this book as well as listening to his lectures, his Calm Masterclass, and Ted Talk. The psychology of happiness is a growing field offering incredible insight into how our brains truly work. In a nutshell it’s about how success comes after happiness and not the other way around.
4. Spending time with the people who are still there for me - One of the most painful side effects of depression is that we close ourselves off to other people at a time when we need our social support group the most. I’d be lying if I said that in the 2 years of my depression I didn’t loose some of my friends. I did and I don’t blame them. I’m very lucky however that many of my closest friends understood what I was going through and have supported me even when I couldn’t reciprocate.
Please leave me a comment or a DM letting me know what has worked for you.


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